Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Totally Free Giveaway #21 - Where are you going??

A lot of the people that visit me in my store are headed to all kinds of destinations this summer, but there is also a big number that have just chosen to hang out around their own digs. Some of them have spent so much money sending their kids off to different sleep away and
sports camps that the choice for themselves is to hunker down at home and just relax in the fact that they get a reprieve from the hectic school schedule. I already took my vacation last week when one of my incredibly gracious clients gave me her beyond beautiful beach house in Sanibel to relax in for a week. (thank you Barbara!).
So, I'm curious, let me know where you're going this summer - or not - and why. Click on the comment icon below to submit your answer. Our computer will randomly pick a winning answer on 6/18 and that person will receive a $50 gift certificate to use in Marmalade or on the website. So, it doesn't matter where you live, you can still win.


betsy said...

I'll be celebrating my 50th this summer and am hoping to go to Barcelona! Just trying to figure out those american airline miles.

carolyn said...

sending one kid to sleep away camp, the other to various 2 week soccer camps.......me, I plan to garden, read magazines and relax.

Carol Bering

Liz said...

My beach house. Yippee!!


Unknown said...

We just got back from Rhinebeck and will be renting a house up there again! It was beautiful! We relaxed and stayed on a horse farm. Our son loved it! Even used one of your beautiful bookmark and he made us bring all 3 jellycat dolls we got at your store too!

hollygb said...

Sunny Pleasantville!!!

hollygb said...

Always pleasant Pleasantville!

Rachel said...

I will be spending 3 weeks in Accra, Ghana with Unite for Sight (UFS), an organization that is committed to providing eye care in developing countries (Ghana, India, and Honduras) for people who might not otherwise have access to such care. I will be volunteering at UFS partner clinics in Ghana to help the local doctors treat patients - in particular, these clinics provide thousands of cataract surgeries every year. Some of the doctors see 100-300 patients per day, so volunteers who help with patient intake and vision screenings allow the doctors to be as efficient as possible. It should be quite an "eye-opening" experience!


Jennifer said...

Here's our story....Our son, a die hard baseball fan, was cut from travel baseball last year. Tears were shed. By all! Ugh. So he asked us for privates at Pro Swing because he wanted to see if he could improve his skills enough to make it the following year. There he worked hard all fall and winter and guess what? He made it!!! We are all staying put this summer. No complaints. :)

faina fyt1@aol.com said...

Cape Cod to get my sanity back!

Thevi said...

Up to our upstate cabin and here in Briarcliff Manor Recreational pool. Later in August we are heading to Ohio for my husband's 20th high school reunion.